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Testa, J., E. North, E. E. Adams, and R. He (2016) Modeling the influence of deep water application of dispersants on the surface expression of oil: a sensitivity study, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 121, 5995-6008, doi: 10.1002/2015JC011571. [PDF]
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He, R., Y. Li, D. J. McGillicuddy, and D. Anderson, Ensemble seasonal forecasting of Alexandrium fundyense blooms in the Gulf of Maine, Deep-Sea Research II.
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Lu, C., H. Tian, S. Lohrenz, W. Ren, J. Yang, W. Cai, B. Tao, M. Liu, B. Zhang, Q. Yang, K. Banger, S. Pan, R. He, and C. Hopkinson. Climate extremes decouple water and nitrogen fluxes from land to oceans, Environmental Sciences and Technology, in review.
Olabarrieta, M., J. Warner, B. Armstrong, J. Zambon, and R. He, Effects of ocean-wave-atmosphere coupling on wind and wave simulations during Hurricane Isabel, Geophysical Research Letters.
Pringle, J. M., J. E. Byers, R. He, P. Pappalardo, and J. Wares. Ocean currents and competitive strength interact to cluster species range boundaries in the coastal ocean, Marine Ecology Progress Series, in review.
Ren, W., H. Tian, W. Cai, R. He, S. Lohrenz, and C. Hopkinson. Increased dissolved organic carbon export from the Mississippi River Basin as influenced by natural and anthropogenic forcing, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Testa, J., E. E. Adams, E. W. North, and R. He, Modeling the influence of deep water application of dispersants on the surface expression of oil: a sensitivity study, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, in review.
Tian, H., W. Ren, J. Yang, B. Tao, W. Cai, S. Lohrenz, M. Liu, Q. Yang, C. Lu, B. Zhang, K. Banger, S. Pan, C. Hopkinson, and R. He. Short-term climate extreme events control recent terrestrial carbon export from the Mississippi River basin, Geophysical Research Letters.
Todd, A. C., R. He, C. Lembke, T. Lellison, C. Taylor, and D. A. Mann. Cross-shelf exchange associated with the Gulf Stream in the South Atlantic Bight: direct observations using an autonomous underwater glider. Marine Technology Society Journal, in review.
Yao, Z., R. He, J. Zambon, Z. Xue, and Y. Liu, An integrated, three dimensional, coupled ocean circulation, wave, and atmosphere nowcast and forecast system developed for the U.S. East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, and Intra-Americas Sea, Ocean Dynamics: Topical Collection on Coastal Ocean Forecasting Science.
Yuan, Y, R. He, and R. Castelao. Estimates of along-shelf and cross-shelf coastal currents in the South Atlantic Bight using satellite altimetry, Continental Shelf Research, in review.
He, R., W. Woods, J. B. Zambon, and Z. Xue (2016) Monitoring the Gulf Stream and shelf environment in the South Atlantic Bight through integrated autonomous underwater glider observations and data assimilative ocean model predictions, OCEANS 2016, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/OCEANSAP.2016.7485539
Anderson, D. M., D. J. McGillicuddy, Jr., B. A. Keafer, R. He, and D. W. Townsend (2011) Population Dynamics of Alexandrium fundyense in the Gulf of Mexico: Outlook for Improved Management and Forecasting, pp 57-86, invited review paper, 14th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Crete, Greece, Nov 2010. [PDF]
Gawarkiewicz, G.G., J. Nelson, R. He, et al. (2011) NSF OOI White Paper on Middle Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak Frontal and Exchange Processes. [PDF]
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Anderson, D. M., P. S. Libby, M. J. Mickelson, D. G. Borkman, R. He, and D. J. McGillicuddy (2007) The 2005 New England Red Tide of Alexandrium fundyense: Observations, Causes, and Potential Outfall Linkages. Boston: MWRA Report 2007-10.
He, R., I. Bang, K. P. Edwards, C. N. K. Mooers, R. H. Weisberg, and F. Werner (2005), Coastal Ocean Response to Extratropical Storms in March 2001: A Retrospective Analysis Using Sub-regional Coastal Ocean Models of the Southeast Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing System (SEACOOS), SEACOOS Tech. rep.
He, J. (2015) Development and Evaluation of Earth System Models on Global and Regional Scales: Aerosol Chemistry and Dynamics, Air-Sea Interactions, and Retrospective Decadal Applications. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as co-advisor).
Water, L. (2014) Seeding of Red Tides: Using Artificial Plankton and Biophysical Models to Understand the Mechanics of Karenia brevis Bloom Formation. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as a committee member).
Yin, Y. (2014) Eddy Induced Kuroshio Onshore Intrusion. Ocean University of China, Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as the co-advisor).
Zambon, J. B. (2014) Air-Sea Interactions During Landfalling Hurricanes. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as the major advisor).
Feng, X. (2013) Construction of Temperature and Salinity Climatology for the U.S. East Coastal Ocean and Intra-America Sea Using Data Interpolating Variational Analysis. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as the major advisor).
Puckett, B. J. (2013) Metapopulation Dynamics of a Marine Reserve Network: Interacting Effects of Demography and Connectivity. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as a committee member).
Qian, H. (2013) Ocean Circulation Dynamics and Transport Connectivity in the Intra-America Sea on Interannual, Seasonal, Synoptic and Inertial Time Scales. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as the major advisor).
Angus, M. (2012) The Effect of Asymmetrical Topography on the Generation of Internal Wave Energy. NCSU Master’s Thesis (R. He as the committee member).
Li, Y. (2012) Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Gulf of Maine Coastal Circulation and its Coupling with Regional Harmful Algal Blooms. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as the major advisor).
Yao, Z. (2012) Investigation of Future Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Circulation and Storm Surges. Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as the co-major advisor).
Chen, K. (2011) Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf Break Circulation Dynamics and Biophysical Interaction. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as the major advisor).
Gong, Y. (2011) Numerical Investigations of Coastal Circulation Dynamics off Cape Hatteras. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as the major advisor).
Nelson, J. (2011) Air-Sea Interactions During Strong Winter Extratropical Storms. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as the major advisor).
Zhao, Y. (2011) Characterizing the Gulf of Mexico SST and Ocean Color Variability Using a Cloud-Free Satellite Data Analysis Method. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as a co-major advisor).
Qian, H. (2010) Numerical Simulations of Internal Waves Generated by Flow Over a Ridge. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as a committee member).
Zuo, X. (2010) A Source-to-Sink Study of the Mekong River Delta: Hydrology, Delta Evolution, and Sediment Transport Modeling. NCSU Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as a committee member).
Haase, A. (2009) Circulation in Pamlico Sound and Predicted Oyster Larval Dispersal and Connectivity. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as a committee member).
Kim, S. (2009) Internal Tides and Internal Solitary Waves in the Northern South China Sea. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as a committee member).
Li, Y. (2009) Investigation of the 2006 Alexandrium fundyense Bloom in the Gulf of Maine: In Situ Observations and Numerical Modeling. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as the major advisor).
Miles, T. N. (2009) Characterizing the South Atlantic Bight Seasonal Variability and Cold-Water Event in 2003 Using a Daily Cloud-Free SST and Chlorophyll Analysis. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as the major advisor).
Wang, Y. (2009) Numerical Investigation of Long-Term Environment Changes in the East China Sea. Ocean University of China, Ph.D. Dissertation (R. He as the co-major advisor).
Zambon, J. B. (2009) Investigations of Landfalling Tropical Storms Using the Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Wave and Sediment Transport (COAWST) Model. NCSU Master's Thesis (R. He as the major advisor).
Gulf of Maine Algal Blooms Extent Predicted Similar to Last Three Years. May 14, 2015, The Fish Site. [article]
Algal Studies Aimed at Avoiding Harmful Blooms. 2011, NCSU Results Magazine, XI, No.1 [article]
News Release: Researchers Report Potential for a Moderate New England "Red Tide" in 2011. April 8, 2011, WHOI Media Relations Office. [article]
News Release: Researchers Issue Outlook for a Significant New England "Red Tide" in 2010. February 24, 2010, WHOI Media Relations Office. [article]
Researchers Issue Outlook for a Significant New England "Red Tide" in 2010 February 24, 2010, NOAA. [article]
"Moderately Large" Potential For Red Tide Outbreak in Gulf of Maine Region, April 29, 2009, Science Daily's Science News. [article]
Marine Scientists Warn of "Moderately Large" Potential for Spring, Summer Red Tide Outbreak in Gulf of Maine, April 22, 2009, NSF. [article]
Researchers Report "Moderately Large" Potential for Red Tide Outbreak in Gulf of Maine Region, April 22, 2009, NASA Earth Observatory.
Researchers Successfully Forecast 2008 Red Tide, August 8, 2008, New tool provides early warning of harmful algal bloom along New England coast, Oceanus, Vol 46, No. 3, pgs. 6-7. [article]
Pieces Are in Place for a New England Red Tide, May 12, 2008, Doyle Rice, USA Today, Aaron Gouveia, Cape Cod Times. [article]
In Computer Models and Seafloor Observations, Researchers See Potential for Significant 2008 "Red Tide" Season April 24, 2008, WHOI Media Relations Office. [article]
ECOHAB-funded GOMTOX Findings Support Fisheries Management Decision July 2007, NCCOS Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research. [article]
NOAA Website on the 2005 New England HAB Event February 2007, NOAA. [article]
Building a Computer Model to Forecast Red Tides May 31, 2006, A variety of variables goes into the mathematical mix that simulates harmful algal blooms. Oceanus, Vol. 45, No. 2, pgs. 34-35. [article]
New Maps Provide Clues to the Historic 2005 Red Tide Outbreak in New England And Hints for 2006 April 13, 2006, WHOI Media Relations Office. [article]
Red Tide--Gone For Now, But Back Next Year? July 15, 2005, WHOI researchers extend investigations of Alexandrium bloom of 2005 and look for signs of future trouble, Oceanus, Vol. 44, No. 2, pgs. 4-5. [article]
Giant Underwater Plume Confirmed - Gulf Oil Not Degrading, August 19, 2010, National Geographic's Daily News. [article]
Scratching the Subsurface. June 28, 2010, Nature News. [article]
Summary of South Atlantic Sea Grant Programs: Summit on Oil Spill Physical Oceanography, June 11, 2010, NC Sea Grant.
New Current Could Delay Arrival of Gulf Oil Spill on Outer Banks, May 27, 2010, NBC17. [article]
OMG Predicting the Path of an Oil Spill, May 27, 2010, NCSU News Update. [article]
Scientist: Carolina Coast to See Oil Eventually, May 24, 2010, NBC -17 and WRAL in North Carolina. [article]
Scientists: Oil Spill Could Eventually Reach Outer Banks, May 13, 2010, The Raleigh Telegram. [article]
Spilled Oil Could Ride Current to Carolinas, Wilmington StarNews, May 7, 2010. [article]
Gulf Stream Has Swept Goo to N.C. Coast in the Past, May 6, 2010, The News and Observer.
Gulf Contamination Unlikely to Reach Carolinas, But It's Happened Before, May 5, 2010, Charlotte Observer.
S.C. Shores Could See Oil Residue from Gulf Spill, May 4, 2010, The Charleston Post and Courier. [article]
Could Gulf Oil Spill Reach North Carolina, May 4, 2010, WFMY News 2. [article]
Oil Spill, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. [article]
Deep Sea survey in the Gulf of Mexico, 2014, SECOORA. [article]
NC State, Duke University team up to explore the deep Sea, 2014, Charlotte Observer; News and Observer.
Glider Palooza 2013- Diving Ocean Gliders Capture Valuable Data, 2013, Fisherynation. [article]
Impact of Western Boundary Currents and Eddies on the Across-shelf Exchange, 2013, NASA. [article]
NCSU participation in GliderPalooza, 2013, NOAA IOOS. [article]