Ocean Observing and Modeling Group

Opportunities with OOMG

Graduate Students/Research Assistants

Opportunities for graduate (MS, PhD) work involving coastal ocean observing and modeling research are available. The duties of the RA include visualization and analysis of oceanographic data sets, performing model simulations and diagnosis, participating in research cruises, and preparing results for written reports and journal publication.

Please contact rhe [at] ncsu [dot] edu and send CV and transcripts.

Immediate opening: Masters or PhD student sought for funded Research Assistant position

A position for a graduate student is open for a funded project involving three-dimensional modeling of Gulf of Mexico circulation and biogeochemical processes, using profiling float technology. The Research Assistant will assist in performing model-data validations, model sensitivity experiments, and model diagnoses. The position opens January 1, 2016.

Applicant should hold a B.S. in oceanography, ocean sciences, physics, or a related field. The successful candidate must have the ability to work well independently and as part of a team, and have strong communication skills, both verbal and written. Preferred candidates will have mathematical and computational skills and Familiarity with scientific programming (e.g., Fortran) and scripting (Perl, Python, NCL, Matlab). Experience in ocean modeling, marine ecosystem simulations, and/or data assimilation is desirable.

Please contact rhe [at] ncsu [dot] edu and send CV.

Research Associates

Immediate openings: several post-doctoral research associates are sought for the following funded research topics:

Applicants must hold a PhD degree in physical oceanography, ocean engineering, marine ecosystems, or a related science. The successful candidate must have the ability to work well independently and as part of a team, and have strong communication skills, both verbal and written. Preferred candidates will have experience with advanced ocean modeling, mathematical, and computational skills. Candidates should be motivated to drive new developments in ocean circulation modeling, marine ecosystems simulations, and/or data assimilation. Demonstrated proficiency in running complex model codes on high-performance computers, performing statistical analyses, and scientific programming (e.g., Fortran) and scripting (Perl, Python, NCL, Matlab) is greatly appreciated. The successful candidate will publish scientific articles and contribute to writing new funding proposals. Participation in short ocean cruises is a possibility.

Applications are currently being accepted for these funded positions. Details and application materials may be found on NCSU's employment site. Click on Search Jobs (or Quick Search: Post Doc), then search for keyword 00105109. You may also contact Professor He directly at rhe [at] ncsu [dot] edu and send your CV.