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Implementation of Regional Integrated Ocean Observing Systems Support of RCOOS Development In SECCORA - Circulation Modeling |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - National Ocean Service
South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium
Collaborators: NC State University: Gary Lackmann, Lian Xie
Funding period: August 2010 - July 2012
The objectives are to understand and predict, via advanced modeling system, the fundamental coupling between ocean physics and material property transport within the SECOORA region. Given the inter-connected nature of the U.S. southeast coastal ocean waters via the Loop Current, Florida Current, and Gulf Stream system, it is essential to work within the regional context that encompasses the Gulf of Mexico, Straits of Florida, and the South Atlantic Bight. Project work plan: 1. Sustain and enhance the NCSU Ocean circulation Nowcast/Forecast modeling system currently used for the SECOORA region; (1.1). Serve model output through the OpenDAP server, so the DMC group and other interested parties directly access the model's digital output; (1.2). Implement a web interface that allows users to sample and plot simulated ocean state variables, such as surface and bottom temperature/salinity maps, along and across-shelf temperature, salinity transects; 2. Model skill assessment for all physical variables through appropriate comparisons with available observations; (2.1). Implement a web interface for online model skill assessment, including near real-time comparisons with available coastal sea levels, buoy-measured temperature/ salinity, HF Radar currents, ans satellite observations; (2.2). Implement a web interface that allows the users to perform numerical drifter release and tracking at any point within the model domain; 3. Establish the coupling of wave, atmosphere and ocean circulation models to the extent possible with FY10 funding; 4. Explore ocean data assimilation to the extent possible with FY10 funding; 5. Explore ecosystem model coupling with circulation model to the extent possible with FY10 funding.
The South Atlantic Bight - Gulf of Mexico ocean model (SABGOM) is available as an interactive web site for public use. Users can select ocean state variables (e.g., 10 m winds, air pressure, salinity, temperature, currents) and speficied depths and dates. Results are displayed on a regional Google map.
Explore the model at Coastal Circulation and Ecosystem Nowcast/Forecast System for the South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico
A subsection of the SABGOM web site allows users to drop virtual drifters into the model domain and see simulated 72 hour tracks. See Simulated Drifter Trajectories.